
10th Anniversary - MASSIVE Update

Well, everyone, we did it! After all of that drawing, animating, writing; after high school, three years of college, and two jobs; after 670 pieces of art detailing dozens of worlds real and imaginary, plausible and fantastic, we have done it.
A full decade of art and Science.
Ten full years!


So, what are we doing for this? Well, three big things are coming, and I hope you guys are ready!
First, we have been dedicatedly working on a new portfolio site. We have no intentions yet of leaving the current blogspot site (it has far too much of our works on it and is very easy to use), but it does have its certain creative limitations. So, while this will be used for smaller projects and day-to-day progress, the new page will be exclusively for finalized projects as a more comprehensive showcase of our skills as artists and scientists. With a custom domain and new service that will allow more creative control over the site's code, our works will now have the opportunity to shine brighter than ever!

Th'Den Wheja- Art and Science


Second, we're going to try a new way to engage with you as an audience. Every Wednesday, starting next week, August 11th, we'll be livestreaming our artistic process on Twitch (Or Youtube, depending on the demand) and hopefully get some neat guests on for fun discussions and games. Not only will this be a good way to get me on a schedule and into full productivity, but it also introduces a number of different ways to interact with you all and bring you into the art, as it were. Check the schedule page on the new site to check in on dates, times, guests, topics, and updates. We're excited to see you all there!


Third and finally!
Wheja has a new outfit.
The classic battlefield and scholar clothes will stay in his wardrobe, of course, but one was a bit too formal, and the other didn't necessarily represent the type of person Th'Den is on a day-to-day basis. The sword may have "chosen" him, but there just aren't many situations that can be solved by brandishing it, and none of them on the streets of Unison. He's a field scientist, a puzzle solver and a pacifist, and it's about time he was able to be represented as such.
So, here he is in the brand new Surveyor set.


With a brand new look, a brand new place to find us, and a brand new way to interact, we're reaching for the future closer than ever before. A lot has happened in the last ten years, and we are excited to what we will accomplish in the next ten. Again, we cannot thank you enough for all of your support during this time, and can only hope to match it in the quality and variety of what we do here. We really are changing the world here, one blog post at a time.

For art!
For Science!!

Published on:
Monday, August 2, 2021
Digital Painting