

Ever feel like there's a serious need for space art at times?

This bit is exploring a concept known to many astronomers as the "rogue planet" thesis. It works something along the lines of this: after a solar system forms, some tremendous event sends it careering off into the cosmos with no sun to orbit. This can (and, in fact, does) happen all the time. Unfortunately, such planets are cold and dead with no life on them. This doesn't exclude the moons orbiting them, however. If a moon is lucky enough to orbit a large enough planet and is orbiting fast enough, then the gravitational friction between the two bodies might just launch that spark...

I apologize: I went a little deeper than I wanted to. I only drew this to make the nebula in the background. But the rogue planet thing is cool too.

Published on:
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Digital Painting